Navigating your organization through the next phase of Covid-19

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Navigating your organization through the next phase of Covid-19

While much still needs to be learned about what our post Covid-19 world will look like, it is important that we prepare for challenges that are coming between now and then. The famous H.G. Wells quote “Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative” applies now more than ever.

In spite of the very real consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic, most organizations have demonstrated their resilience by developing innovative solutions to complex problems. The expansion of technology that supports working from home is one example. Going forward, our need to continue finding innovative solutions will be imperative.

While looking at past success is important (and fun) we also need to ask critical questions uncovering what opportunities we missed and we can implement going forward. Finding new technical solutions will become more challenging as we snatch most of the low hanging fruit (low cost, easy implementation, high impact). Fortunately, organizations are finding people and process solutions that also can add huge value.

A good first step when reviewing people and process solutions is to review your strategic plan as well as your vision and values. With all of the disruption of Covid-19, it has been easy to lose focus. Has the vision of where you are heading changed? If so, I recommend you document and communicate it. Organizations with solid values that demonstrated those values have shown their organizations’ strong character. Now is a good time to review your values. Are they contributing to your success? Is a refresh needed? If your values are spot on, to what degree is your organization living them?

As a second step, I recommend a review of how well your operations support your vision. In the struggle of doing more with less are you climbing a figurative tree only to find out you climbed the wrong tree? From a people, process, and tools perspective, are you hitting on all cylinders? What changes can help you better reach your vision?

Finally, I recommend you review the impact of your leadership team by asking these questions.

  1. In spite of tough decisions that have been made, is our leadership respected?
  2. To what degree have we consistently demonstrated integrity?
  3. Has our leadership team had the courage in good and bad times to make difficult decisions?
  4. Does our leadership team consistently demonstrate all of our values?
  5. Is it known throughout our organization that our leadership understands and recognizes the struggles of our staff and their families?
  6. To what degree have we been able to inspire staff?
  7. How timely and frequent have we communicated both good and bad news?

If you struggle answering any of these questions, I suggest you reach out for help. Your internal HR team or an outside consulting firm, such as IgnitionHR might be just the ticket.

Feel free to click HERE to schedule a quick introductory phone call.

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